Is It Okay To Be a Christian?!

In this generation, it is really hard to be a Christian especially, if you’re a young Christian teenager. Being a young Christian teenager isn’t considered cool in this generation, mainly because of all the "boundaries and commands" that we THINK God had set for us to follow. For Example, in school there are rules and regulations that you must follow, but to be able to be considered cool or to be among the cool people you have to prove yourself to them by showing that you can be bad and break rules which is considered cool. In Christianity, instead of proving ourselves to people, we have to prove ourselves to God! We have to show Him how much we are willing to give up doing things that are of the world such as partying, stealing, lying, and etc. Once you’ve put down the things of the world, you will gradually start to pick up the things of God. The pressures of being a young Christian teenager for me was partying and lying. Going to school parties and regular parties as a young teenager now is not a joke! It’s literally like a full on club that are for ages 21 and up. This was a struggle for me! TUHHH!! Why? Because during the week, I would do all of these secular things and still serve at my church on the weekends. Crazy right? There would be times when I was in church but my spirit wasn’t in Church. Yes! That is possible! My spirit would literally be at a party, When I was in Middle School I used to lie; I mean lie lied! I would lie to my Mom say "Oh, I’m just going to tutoring after school" but in reality I actually went to hangout with friends. On Late July to early August, the Holy Spirit arrested me and He convicted about doing all of these bad things, so I automatically knew that I must change my lifestyle. I knew for a fact that I cannot keep living my life like this. I then rededicated my life to Christ. Now that I am a fully devoted Christian, I know that I’m automatically set apart from other people because I have the greatest gift of all!
"What gift are you talking about Bri?" Well, this precious Gift is the Holy Spirit, He is your Friend, Helper, Advocate and everything more. Did you know that Christians receive the greatest gift of all time once you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? Since I have accepted the gift, I can’t do the things that I’d use to do because I understand the consequences and I understand how much Jesus cares about me to even deliver me from my situation in the first place. Not only did I accept the gift, I am using the gift. It's one thing to accept a birthday or Christmas gift, put it in your closet, and let it collect dust. Or maybe some of us re-wrap the gift and give it someone else as a gift. THE Holy Spirit IS A NON RE-WRAPPABLE GIFT!!! This is the only gift that cannot be destroyed. This is the only gift that relates to us as humans. For example, sometimes as Christians certain things will get to you, like watching your friends on social media living their best life partying, doing all of these activities, and just enjoying life. It will make you wish that you were with them. BUT with the help of the Holy Spirit, once you’re able to reflect on how you were in your past life it will make you proud and say “No, I’m actually living my best live in the Lord!” It will also make you proud of the fact that you were able to move pass that stage of your life and live for something better, something where at the end of all this you’ll be able to receive everlasting life and reign with the Father because we are heirs to his Kingdom. The things of this world are all temporary and they won’t last very long. Once God sees your dedication that you’re putting towards Him, He will honor you like never before and bless you in everything that you do. So yes! It’s ok to be Christian! Let those words sink in! Now inhale slooooowly, exhale sloooowly, GOOD! Take joy in it! Know God for yourself instead of hearing about the great things that He has done from secondhand encounters, especially if you’re young! Know God now and don’t wait for old age to come before you start knowing and serving God. God can change anyone's life IF you allow Him, whether young or old, but you’ll start to realize that God could do so much with you if you had given your life to Him earlier.
- Brianna

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